Organ cookies!

Are you planning an organ concert with coffee or tea after, or is there an open day at the organ in your church? What is more fun than presenting an appropriate snack in the shape of an organ cookie. The Orgelkids organ served as a model for the design of this cookie cutter which allows […]
Theme for Orgelkids

We already had our own logo, but for our movies we also wanted an ‘audio logo’. A nice melody that helps you recognizing videos about Organ Kids, that was the question we asked Bart Wuilmus. He accepted the challenge and so now there is a real theme for Orgelkids. But Bart had a much better […]
Suite for Do-organ

In October, Orgelkids SE, the new Swedish branch, starts. During the international organ festival in Gothenburg, there is attention for the youth and workshops are given with the Do-organ. Very special is that project leader Jon Liinason went looking for suitable music for the organ with two octaves. The Swedish composer Fredrik Hagstedt has […]
Children in Wilrijk (B) receiving the second organ

The second Orgelkids organ has now been transferred to the association “The Organ in Flanders”. That’s why we signed an official agreement. More importantly, the children received the organ in their classroom. On Friday, May 29th, 2015 the new organ came to the children of class 3C of The Ark in Wilrijk. They eagerly built […]